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Posy bouquet

Posy bouquet


Petite, garden-inspired bouquet hand tied with silk ribbon. Perfect size for bridesmaids, mothers, a bride who wants to hold a smaller bouquet, or whomever! Choose from "Romantic" or "Playful" color palettes. Option to include long trailing ribbons for an additional $20.  Includes glass vase.


    Before you shop, you MUST inquire about our availability for your event date first! Read more about Season's Best and send us an inquiry here. Once we confirm our availability for your event, we'll send you instructions to place your order.

  • Please Note:

    • Season's Best arrangements are only offered during our growing season, May-October. If your event is in April or November, shoot us an email - maybe we can make it work!
    • Orders must be placed at least two weeks before the event date. Leave yourself time to reach out to us first and hear back about our availability.
    • We do not offer delivery. Items will be securely packed and ready for pick-up from our farm in Santa Rosa. This is a great errand to send a friend or family member out for!
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